About us


Telegram-channel invitelink: t.me/squatmakamik
Events calendar and archive: squ.at/r/ip9
Email: makamik@riseup.net

Makamik is an anarchist collective organizing events in Helsinki.

Originally squatted in 2013 and since legalized Squat Makamik was an anarchist and antiauthoritarian social center and space for free art in Kumpula neighborhood of Helsinki, based on anticapitalism and safer space principles. You can read about the first phase of Makamik (2013~2019) on the archived old blog. In 2019-2020 there came a lot of new people and energy into the collective and we can say that a new phase began then.

The house was destroyed in a fire under suspicious circumstances in late winter 2023 after many years of harassment by Nazis but the collective that was running the house continues unbroken, still organizing communal events and fighting for a more humane world.

Makamik organizes many kinds of events such as peoples kitchens, gigs, workshops, cross-disciplinary art, parties, movie nights and exhibitions.

Principles of the house:

  • no authoritarian symbols (for example: swastika, hammer and sickle, finnish lion, national flags, insignia of parties or their youth departments etc.)
  • don’t take photos of people without their permission
  • respect other people’s physical and emotional space
  • don’t make disturbing comments on others body or looks
  • no discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism etc.)
  • don’t presume or make generalizations (about peoples background, gender, sexuality, life situation etc.)
  • clean up after yourself

If you notice or face anything that feels difficult at our events we wish that the organizers would be told with a very low threshold.