Practical tips for ppl coming to Huvila


Huvila will open its doors in a couple hours! Here are some practical things to keep in mind when arriving at the house:

– we appreciate the spirit of the old house so plz don’t paint or put stickers on the house
– There will be free vegan food available
– Donations are still needed to support the activities, so BRING CASH!
– There is no running water so byob for water too
– Luckily there is a toilet on site
– buses run also at night, the nearest bus stop (Kallvikinniemi) is about 20min walk in a seaside forest landscape
– if you see any officials or other outside parties harassing the house, please let the organizers know and let them handle the situation

Unfortunately, the space where the event will take place is not accessible. You will have to climb steep stairs to get to the venue. If you need help getting to or around the venue, please contact us and we will help where possible!

Huvila uses Makamik’s principles, i.e.:
– No authoritarian symbols (e.g. swastika, sickle and hammer, Finnish lion, national flags, symbols of political parties and their youth organisations, etc.).
– do not photograph people without permission
– respect the physical and emotional space of others
– do not make disturbing comments about the body or appearance of others
– no discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, etc.)
– do not assume or generalise (background, gender, sexuality, life situation, etc.)
– clean up after yourself

There is Makamik’s freeshop in the house where you can bring and take away clothes and other items in good condition free of charge 🖤️️️️️️

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