Makamik’s statement on the eviction of Kaaoskartano


On Wednesday, December 4th 2024, the police evicted the social center Kaaoskartano from Kulosaari manor, just half a week after it was occupied. Kaaoskartano had moved to the Kulosaari manor from the adjacent Marttojen maja last weekend because the city tried to smoke the squatters out of Marttojen maja by cutting off the electricity there. Makamik condemns the eviction and the pressure on the squatters that preceded it.

When we occupied the same manor last spring for our spring festival, we noticed how well it would be suitable for a more permanent social center. It is sad how the city would rather let old houses rot away empty than let grassroots actors organize their own activities in them. We will see what kind of luxury hotel they will eventually be able to conceive in Kulosaari, if they even get that far.

Love to the evicted squatters 🖤

Let’s show today at Töölöntori HIN-demo that the police’s hardening grip is not welcome either in Kivinokka or Töölö!

Makamik encourages all people of conscience to Töölöntori 6/12 at 17


The 612 torchlight procession, organized by open fascists and disguised as “nonpartisan patriotism,” is being organized for the tenth time this year. In 2014, anarchists and other anti-fascists ignored the then still small and puny Nazi march and, as in previous years, focused on disrupting the nationalist ceremony of the Linnan juhlat with the wild “Lähiöst Linnaan” demonstration. However, fascism does not wither away by remaining silent, and the following year the number of participants in the torchlight procession grew manyfold. In the same year, anti-fascist counter-demonstrations began, which have since become a regrettably traditional sight on the streets of Helsinki on Independence Day.

We say “regrettably traditional” because fascists should not be able to organize and gather publicly in Helsinki or anywhere else, and in that case there should be no need for a counter-demonstration. Fascism as a social movement aims to further entrench white cis-hetero privilege, absolute male supremacy, and class collusion with the ruling class. It is always a threat to both minorities and those working for a better world because it aims to subjugate and destroy us, as has been seen numerous times throughout history.

Let’s not give fascism a place in society, not now and not ever. Never again!

See you at Töölöntori.

Thank you Pukinmäki manor


Last night we said goodbye to this year’s spooktacular stage at Pukinmäki Manor. The intense games of Lupus, the food for the soul provided by poetry and music, the delicious food for the body and the warm company of our comrades will remain in our hearts for a long time to come. It was delightful to see how Makamik’s now four-year spooky-party tradition is able to change and find new forms to flourish!

Thank you to all the visitors, Lupus players, poets and musicians, friendly neighbors and the comrades who helped with the cleanup. See you again next time <3 Continue reading

Pukinmäki manor occupied by Makamik for social games and music


The privatization of city-owned properties continues apace. This time, the manor we occupied had had space for community activities until last spring, when Pukinmäki-Seura, which had been taking care of it, was evicted due to the city’s intentions to sell it. The city’s intention was to sell the house in the fall, but surprisingly, a suitable buyer was not found in time, so the sale has now been postponed until next winter.

As the ecological disaster continues to worsen, it is important to remember that a good life does not require very much material things after basic needs are met. Today, Saturday October 26th 2024, the doors of the Pukinmäki Manor will open for an evening of social games, poetry and music, soul food whose carbon footprint is approaching zero, especially since in a non-commercial event, the fueling of economic growth is kept to a minimum. Continue reading

Correction to HS nonsense article


Heading of the article and HS logo on top of Huvila framesHelsingin Sanomat reported on Saturday 28th of September about the Huvila occupation that started the day before. You can read the article in Finnish here. In addition to the hateful and misleading title, it contains numerous factual errors.

Already in the title, the concerns of the city’s technical director about the “irreversible” effects of the occupation on the property’s condition are raised without question, even though keeping it empty is clearly the worst threat to the preservation of the building heritage. The city itself knows very well that its negligence has probably caused so much irreversible damage to the beautiful villa that a miracle should happen for somebody to come and fix it up. This kind of attitude in reporting is of course basic oats when talking about us anarchists, but the amount of complete confusion that came later surprised even us.

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On Sunday evening, September 29, we said goodbye to Wikström’s villa, which was the location of the Huvila event. The house was left in neat condition for the next squatters. We hope that the beautiful villa remains standing for a long time in the otherwise dreary middle class area, and doesn’t rot away while the City of Helsinki waits for it to be demolished as uninhabitable so the plot could be sold.

Many thanks to all visitors, performers, artists, workshop organizers, distro and other friends who provided us with help and support! <3

The Huvila people can now rest happily for a while – until the next shenanigans!

Practical tips for ppl coming to Huvila


Huvila will open its doors in a couple hours! Here are some practical things to keep in mind when arriving at the house:

– we appreciate the spirit of the old house so plz don’t paint or put stickers on the house
– There will be free vegan food available
– Donations are still needed to support the activities, so BRING CASH!
– There is no running water so byob for water too
– Luckily there is a toilet on site
– buses run also at night, the nearest bus stop (Kallvikinniemi) is about 20min walk in a seaside forest landscape
– if you see any officials or other outside parties harassing the house, please let the organizers know and let them handle the situation

Unfortunately, the space where the event will take place is not accessible. You will have to climb steep stairs to get to the venue. If you need help getting to or around the venue, please contact us and we will help where possible!

Huvila uses Makamik’s principles, i.e.:
– No authoritarian symbols (e.g. swastika, sickle and hammer, Finnish lion, national flags, symbols of political parties and their youth organisations, etc.).
– do not photograph people without permission
– respect the physical and emotional space of others
– do not make disturbing comments about the body or appearance of others
– no discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, etc.)
– do not assume or generalise (background, gender, sexuality, life situation, etc.)
– clean up after yourself

There is Makamik’s freeshop in the house where you can bring and take away clothes and other items in good condition free of charge 🖤️️️️️️

Wikström’s villa squatted for Huvila art happening

picture of squatted house, banner hanging from the window says MAK(A)MIK


Today, September 27, we squatted Wikström’s villa in Kallahdenniemi for an anarchist and anti-capitalist art happening, Huvila.

This weekend, the empty house owned by the City of Helsinki will be filled with art. It reaches through keyholes and gaps in the walls, spreads out into the yard, explores closets and settles down. Here you can find shelter from the wind.

Times are extremely austere. Under the ruthless government, it’s chilling what the future may hold. Let’s get together to celebrate what can’t be taken away from us!

The event is organized by Makamik and a group of young artists.

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Blog and telegram channel


In the spirit of last week’s piece about communication, we are publishing new information channels, we now have both a blog and a public telegram channel!

At least all of our longer texts that are not event invitations will be published here on the blog (and sometimes maybe even those, but usually they go to our event calendar in Radar). For example, this and last week’s text belong here with other considerations, communiques and statements.

Following the Telegram channel is the surest way to stay up to date with Makamik’s news! Basically, we put summarized information about all our publications there and links to either the blog or Radar for the entire text.
